Judgement Day

Judgement Day May 8, 2019

New week, new Evangebros about Judgement Day.

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  • Counseling has helped me see myself (and G-d) in a healthier light.
  • I’ve never been happier with the measure I use to judge others with.
  • Everything’s going to be alright in the end, in a way that isn’t terrifying for once.
  • A question I keep asking myself is, “what is humanity (or Christianity for that matter) without struggle?” which was brought out from this episode. A question I look forward to continuing to wrestle with and learn more in.

Speaking of of the episode, last Thursday, Don and I had the privilege of recording together in person since he was visiting Columbus. It was a great time, a lot of conversations about the future of the podcast, life, and of course theology. But also, peppered in there were brewery trips (as pictured below) and board games.EBE9C203-A5C4-412E-BE6F-406DB3DB6BF8
Anyway, hope you enjoy the episode and I look forward to any thoughts, concerns, or input you all may have.
Grace and peace.

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