Between Monks and Trumps

Between Monks and Trumps July 22, 2016

Sunset at New Camaldoli Monastery in Big Sur, CA.
Sunset at New Camaldoli Monastery in Big Sur, CA.

Taking a rest from interviews done under trees, by rivers, and on walks on large monastic properties, discussing the importance love, charity and forgiveness, was contrasted with an opening prayer at the RNC given by North Carolina Pastor Mark Burns which called the Democrats “enemies.” I went from intensely philosophical conversations about the ecological dimensions of the Eucharist, to the total denial of climate change and a party platform that claims coal can be clean. From conversations on the meaning of wilderness and paradise, to calls to privatize National Parks and public lands. From discussing the experience of chanting the psalms on behalf of the church daily, to speakers rousing crowds of delegates into chanting “Lock her up,” referring to Hilary Clinton’s supposed email scandal.

Pastor Mark Burns. Source:
Pastor Mark Burns at RNC. Source:

Like all political theatre, the Republican National Convention painted a grim picture of the United States and the world, that could only be effectively solved by their candidate. Muslims were painted with the broad brush of ignorance and fear, immigrants were portrayed as killers and rapists. Donald Trump’s acceptance speech was filled with statistics twisted to paint a picture of increased crime, unemployment and dissatisfaction. Trump claimed that he alone was the person who could fix the problems we face. He did not ask us to put our trust in God, or in each other, but in him.

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