Succession planning is important for organizations if they want to continue their mission. This is true even for religious places of worship. Church leadership and succession planning should not rely on one person but be workable even in their absence. Our Messiah Yeshua even realized this.

Personal Traits
Utilizing leadership personal traits and achieving the objective of any place of worship is an interesting approach to succession planning for leaders. The knowledge around discovering our spiritual gifts will derive at the appropriate stage. This will allow for seed planting, growth, and improvement. Effective church leadership must exist beyond the vision of one person or the church is in a situation predestined for failure.
Communication is key in all relationships. The goal must be articulated well. If the goal is not articulated well, the leader will have a challenging time instructing and completing duties. Plans, while well-intentioned, fail due to faulty reasoning and implementation. Communication with all church leaders is important in preparing to pass the baton and vision.
Leadership considering succession demands the commitment of the entire body working on one accord. Leaving a legacy is a noble goal but is not likely to occur in the church absent preparation and dedication. Longevity alone will not suffice. The application must be taught from the top down and from beginning to end.
A church, like any organization, must be organized. Preparation, a clear mission statement, participation, consideration, implementation, feedback, and follow-through are necessary factors for continued leadership succession in the church. Proverbs 6: 6-11 (CJB) speaks to the importance of preparation and states: “Go to the ant, you lazy bones! Consider its ways and be wise. It has no chief, overseer, or ruler; yet it provides its food in summer and gathers its supplies at harvest time. Lazy bones! How long will lie there in bed? When will you get up from your sleep? “I’ll just lie here a bit, rest a little longer, just fold my hands for a little more sleep” – and poverty comes marching in on you, scarcity hits you like an invading soldier.” Succession planning for clergy and the church is achievable, but we must be prepared like the ant.
Self-determination is a principal leaders should utilize in leading themselves and others as well. This principle is expressed in Ecclesiastes 7:8 (CJB) which reads: “The end of something is better than its beginning, so the patient are better than the proud.” The Book of Proverbs taken in its entirety is an excellent source of inspiration and wisdom that can aid and provide direction for the purposeful self-determined leader.
A self-determined leader fosters a spirit of self-reliance. This spirit helps in transitioning and passing the torch of succession. Yeshua, the greatest leader of all time, displayed a servant leadership approach at its best. John 15:15 (CJB) reveals the rationale of succession as Yeshua states: “I no longer call you slaves, because a slave doesn’t know what his master is about; but I have called you friends, for everything that I have heard from my father I have made known to you.”
Evolution and Wisdom
Evolution is much like building a structure. Building takes time, resources, patience, and foundation establishment. The structure is held in place by a solid foundation. Leadership does not stay the same either. However, it builds often on what exists or is replaced by new leadership builders much like new bricks in a structure. Proverbs 24:3-4 (CJB) speaks to the issue of the building as it pertains to knowledge, that a leader possesses and explains: “By wisdom a house is built, by understanding it is made secure, and by knowledge its rooms are filled with all kinds of costly and pleasant possessions.”
Evolving and Succession
Evolving naturally equates with change. It is a natural occurrence. Succession is a major facet and consideration in evolving leadership. Maxwell, similarly, teaches: “The law of legacy states, “True success is measured by succession.” (MLB) Armed with the knowledge of succession in mind, the evolving leader should continuously inquire as to what they are leaving as an inheritance. The tools, compass, map, guidelines, and footprints of the evolving leader make the natural evolutionary process attainable. The beneficiary of the benefactor must keep the helm evolving and build on the inheritance in both theory and practice.
My Take
As a former Defense Investigative Service Special Agent, succession planning in the inevitable possibility of our demise was mandated by our team chiefs. We learned to draft our investigative reports in such a manner that if we did depart or were ill for a period, anybody could pick up our case file and complete it without difficulty. Because of this experience, I appreciate the essence of succession planning for the church and the clergy. Succession planning goes beyond the “I “to the “We.” Succession planning ensures the continuation of the organizational vision purpose, and mission of the church to fulfill the goal Yeshua outlined in the Great Commission.