Why Christians Should Maintain a Consistent Prayer Life

Why Christians Should Maintain a Consistent Prayer Life June 9, 2023

Woman kneeling at bedside praying
Karolina Grabowska/Pexel


A relationship can flourish with consistent communication. No exchange of ideas, plans, goals, or honest discussion will lead to a relationship’s dissolution. Everyone involved may feel like there’s no point in continuing to work on the relationship. They give up hope of a resolution.

Unfortunately, from the spiritual perspective, this should not be the final outcome for Christians. Although the need for constant communication is the same, there is a key difference—praying to an invisible yet relational God.

Prayer is defined as a dialogue between God and man—communication. Through the regular practice of prayer, a Christian develops and grows stronger in his or her relationship with Christ.

Therefore, praying regularly is necessary to develop and maintain a relationship with God. From this perspective, consider prayer as the gift of communication. To have immediate access to the Creator of the Universe is one of the most valuable benefits of salvation through Jesus Christ. We have the opportunity, responsibility, and privilege to approach the Throne of Grace and obtain mercy and always find grace, (Hebrews 2:14-16).

“There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God.” -Brother Lawrence

I love the above quote by the late Brother Lawrence! It gives a primary reason Christians should always pray. Besides having a sweet and delightful life as a reason Christians should pray, I would like to give you additional reasons Christians should maintain a consistent prayer life.

Ten Reasons for a Consistent Prayer Life

  • God desires to fellowship with us

    Communication involves dialogue, not just monologue. God delights in the prayer of the upright. We talk to Him and He talks to us. When we talk, He listens. When He talks, we listen (Psalm 116:1-2; Proverbs 15:8; Jeremiah 33:2-3).

  • We receive supernatural help

    Our prayers can produce the supernatural power to help us above and beyond our capacity. Christ relates to our weaknesses (Hebrews 4:14-16).

  • The Word of God (Holy Bible) commands us to pray

    Jesus gives a parable to establish the importance and the need to persist in prayer. Without a consistent prayer life, we are prone to lose heart—give up when faced with challenges and opposition in life (Luke 18:1; Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; 1 Timothy 2:1).

  • Christ prayed regularly

    We follow Christ’s example by praying regularly on all occasions (Mark 1:35, 6:46; Matthew 26:39-44; Luke 5:16, 6:12. We also follow others in Scripture who prayed, for example Moses (Numbers 11:2, 21:7) and Elijah (1 Kings 18:36-37; James 5:17-18).

  • Praying appropriates God’s supernatural power in and for our lives

    When we pray in faith, God allows us to partner with Him in accomplishing His purposes and showing His power (John 15:5-8; Acts 4:31; Colossians 4:2-4).

  • Prayer makes a genuine difference

    A consistent prayer life transforms us. God uses prayer to change people and shape history (Luke 11:9-10; James 5:16-18).

“To pray is to change. Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us.”  -Richard Foster


  • Maintaining a consistent prayer life increases our knowledge of God

    Prayer helps develop our understanding of God’s will and way of doing things. The more we persist in prayer we demonstrate our faith in God and our dependence upon Him for all our needs—spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual. We learn to trust Him in everything as He answers our prayers (Psalm 37:3-6, 63:1-8; Ephesians 1:16-19).

  • We receive joy and peace in our heart and mind

    I know the joy and peace of mind when God answers my prayers. Apostle Paul wanted the Philippians to experience joy and peace that supersedes all understanding when they pray. He admonished them to pray about everything and have no anxiety about anything.  (John 16:23-24; Philippians 4:6-7).

  • A consistent prayer life helps us understand how to carry out the specific assignments

    God gives us wisdom and understanding that helps us accomplish His purposes. Paul prayed for the Colossians to live in a manner that pleases the Lord, be productive and patient, and be strengthened by the Holy Spirit. (Colossians 1:9-11).

  • Prayer changes our attitudes and desires

    The more we commune with the Lord in prayer, we acknowledge His greatness by praising and worshipping Him. We desire to be conformed to the image of Christ. His wisdom causes all things to work for our good (2 Corinthians 12:7-9; Romans 8:28).

Groomed for prayer 

My grandmother groomed me for a prayer life, unbeknownst to me, as little 5-year-old country girl. Every day at noonday I saw her kneeling by her bed praying. I heard her talking aloud to someone, but I saw no one in the room.  I am convinced her consistent prayer life instilled within me the spirit of prayer.

After submitting my life to Jesus Christ, I understood my spiritual growth and development required my consistent communication with my God. Consequently, the reasons listed above still keep me in constant communication with the Lord.

How important is your relationship with Jesus Christ?

Anyone devoted to living out their faith as a follower of Jesus Christ should maintain a consistent prayer life for the reasons listed above, primarily because God desires to talk to you. The Creator of the Universe delights in the prayers of His people.

About Evangelist Queen E. Franks Phillips
Inspirational writer, published author, life coach and public speaker living a purpose-driven life for Kingdom purpose. You can read more about the author here.

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