What I’ve Been Doing This Summer

What I’ve Been Doing This Summer September 11, 2015

Well, hi.
It’s been a couple of months since I have posted here at my new Patheos address. The transfer from my old e-blogger address happened at exactly the moment that my summer heats up. This year that summer heat has been perilously close to having a job but it is, specifically, a job I love, done in service to the land and the folk.

And I get to drive Tantor, the Robot Elephant. Ungawa, Tantor!

Kubota B2620 10-14









The focus of our labor has been building out the new property that we acquired two years ago. We doubled our acreage , gaining a shaggy former tree farm without buildings or services. This past spring was the first season that we were able to mobilize ourselves with a budget and a plan, and it has been a busy season.

My readers will have seen the Nemeton (Druidic temple) that we’ve been building. It has gotten a good summer of use by our local ADF groves, the fire-altar well-burned in, the brick-work tested. Like the rest of the new work we are finishing the hardscaping and starting to think about flowers.

Cute little cottage by the front gate – finished and painted this season
brush cart
Yes, we’re killing brush and making offerings…
tractor work
Yes we are…


Nemeton - Idol Pedestals 1 Earth Mother & Gatekeeperbeltaine idol con 2










The big job of the summer has been the construction of a large multi-purpose pavilion-roof and accompanying utility area. For this we hired our reliable local fellow, Thomas K, the same guys who rebuilt the barn a couple of years ago. They do a good job and they like our work here, so they apply a little creativity.

pavilion in-progress
Framing it up


pavilion in-progress 5
Showers and storage on the side.

S view 7-14



Of course the travel and festival season cranked up in May, most of July goes to Starwood and recovery from Starwood, then come Lughnassadh, and our fall busy season has yet to hit.  All of this amounts to an excuse as to why my homework is late. I’m back, readers, and I’ll have a substantive post as soon as tomorrow. I’m going to shoot for one new and one reprint post weekly, so this corner will light up a little better than it has during tractor season.

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