If This Dream Journal Could Talk…

If This Dream Journal Could Talk… May 1, 2013

If this journal could talk, I bet I know what it would say,

“How mysterious the events are that unfold for me each day”

I never have a clue about what each new page will behold,

Or what roller-coaster adventure is about to unfold.

This book is sacred; it’s the story of my life;

Puzzle pieces of my heart and soul; all the joys and strife.

In these torn and tattered pages, with coffee stains inside;

Is where all the mysteries of my spirit reside.

Sometimes it’s poetry; sometimes it’s spew.

But, it’s my therapist/lover/best-friend true blue.

-Kelly Sullivan Walden

Here’s the first dream assignment to lead off the 30-Day Dream Challenge. Clear off a corner of your bedside table for your Dream Journal. If you don’t have one, GET ONE! If you are in a pinch, simply use a yellow legal pad with an ordinary pen (one with a penlight is preferred.) You can have all the most magical, mystical, life-changing dreams…but if you don’t remember them in the light of morning, then poof they’re gone.

“Always carry a notebook. And I mean always. The short-term memory only retains information for three minutes; unless it is committed to paper you can lose an idea forever.” ~Will Self

Place your dream journal and pen on your bedside table so that it is EASY to download your dreams in the morning light.

Speaking of downloading, for you high tech types, For you high tech types, you may prefer to record your dreams digitally, I recommend Dreams Cloud and its free apps, www.DreamsCloud.com, because not only can you file your dreams and keep track of them, but they also will give you a *FREE dream reflection!

Even if you are married to your iPhone and your DreamsCloud dream app, I still recommend you have a journal as well…as a place to keep track of your dream-related reflections, thoughts, and ahas throughout the day.

Here’s a great journaling exercise to stimulate your senses and percolate your 5 senses and your dreaming mind before you go to sleep:

Sight: Envision a full moon in a starry sky, a baby’s smile, a tangerine sunset at the beach, autumn leaves in all their splendor, looking into the eyes of someone who loves you. Write in your dream journal what you envision you will see when you are living your dream life.

Sound: Hear the roar of applause, children’s laughter, a cat’s purr, the crunch of fallen leaves beneath your feet, someone precious to you saying, “I love you”. Write in your dream journal what you will hear when you are living your dream life.

Smell: Imagine the smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, cinnamon mulling spices, pine trees, the ocean mist, mint leaves, a new car’s interior, your favorite perfume. Write in your dream journal the fragrance you imagine smelling when you are living your dream life.

Taste: Imagine biting into a juicy, crisp red apple; warm, buttery mashed potatoes; the minty fresh flavor of having just brushed your teeth; savoring a slice of pecan pie with whip cream.  Write in your dream journal what you imagine you will eat or taste when you are living your dream life.

Touch: Imagine petting a fluffy cat, walking barefoot across wet grass, the warmth of a crackling fire on a snowy day, diving into an icy lake on a summer day, wearing a warm and fuzzy sweater, dancing wildly to your favorite song. Write in your dream journal the texture of something you might feel or touch when you are living your dream life.


Some of the brightest minds of our time have been those that think and feel in a vivid and sensory way:  i.e. Margaret Mead, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr., Buckminster Fuller, Eleanor Roosevelt, Picasso, and Rembrandt, to name a few. Allow your dream journal to be a bridge to connect your nocturnal dreams with your real life…and ultimately with the life of your dreams.

Join the conversation! Post your dream on Dreams Cloud, then tweet it using #DreamChallenge


Excerpted from It’s All In Your Dreams (Conari Press). Once you buy your copy, click here to receive $4,000 worth of *free dreamy gifts throughout the month of May.



Click here for a preview of your *free dreamy gift du jour!

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