Thinking about the Yoffe “college drinking” article some more

Thinking about the Yoffe “college drinking” article some more October 17, 2013

So here’s the issue: with respect to college drinking, how strong a motivator would, “don’t drink; you might end up being raped/having sex and regretting it” be? Women, apparently, are worried about someone putting a date-rape drug in their drink because they would pretty clearly lose control of their actions. (Though I’m not sure how often this happens, or if it’s as rare as the poisoned Halloween candy everyone fears.) But is “getting so drunk you have sex with a creep or get raped while passed out” not really a real worry? Look, I drank in college, but I never passed out. And when I left the party with a guy, it was to be walked home. We had none of this “buddy system” — maybe because we were all, when it came down to it, nerds (not geeks — no one played D&D;), or maybe because the guys were all just fundamentally decent, but this sort of thing never happened in our group. But if you’re a college girl hearing about girls being raped while passed out, or even just being taken advantage of by the sober guy who saw his chance, wouldn’t you have the sense to say, “I won’t let that happen to me; I’ll get buzzed but I’ll stop before I get too sloppy drunk”? Or are these girls genuinely alcoholics, who have such a drinking habit that they can’t stop, even knowing the consequences?

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