Parking a link: on Social Security

Parking a link: on Social Security January 5, 2014

Here’s a piece by Andrew Biggs, reacting to a piece by Elizabeth Warren, on Social Security, in which he references a couple good pieces of research. 

And here’s my comment, which for some reason won’t go through on his site:

Actually, reading Warren’s piece, I don’t see any concrete proposals one way or the other.  The closest she comes is in the “expand Social Security” in her title, which implies increasing the multipliers in the benefit formula, but she doesn’t venture to provide any specifics in the article itself. 

You are correct that for the large numbers of non-savers, it’s often a matter of unwillingness rather than inability to save, but that’s ultimately neither here nor there; long-term, our best alternative is probably a mix of your earlier proposal and a mandatory-savings system such as Australia’s. 

Note to self:  retry this link later on, to re-try commenting!

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