So, who do you like for 2016?

So, who do you like for 2016? December 12, 2014

Boehner just pushed through the “CRomnibus” — an omnibus spending bill to the end of September for all except Homeland Security, which is funded to February to, they’ve promised, gear up for a fight over amnesty when they take control of the Senate.  As usual, the spending is generally business as usual, with a few cuts and a few pseudo-cuts, and goodies all around, and confirmation that the current house leadership is no more interested in good governance than their predecessors.
Didn’t they claim, not that long ago, that they were going to put together a real budget?   How quickly did they abandon that promise?  Were a leak to happen, as with the Sony hack, would we now be seeing e-mails along the lines of “hey, it would be good for a few laughs if we pretended to budget. Wonder how many suckers would believe us?”

I mean, yes, it was the right decision defer an amnesty fight ’til the new session rather than trying to do battle now (though why did they fund all the way ’til the end of February?), but the rest is a joke.

So the best I can do right now is contemplate whether any of the crop of talked-about 2016 hopefuls are actually grounds to be, well, hopeful.  Maybe I’ll listen to one of those interviews with Jindal that have been floating around.  What about Walker?  Is Christie actually on anyone’s list any longer?  Bush seems to have the attention of People With Money — ugh.  Perry?  Why?

Or, if you’re a Democrat:  Hillary?  Really?  That’s all you can come up with?

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