Christ is the Organ of Creation

Christ is the Organ of Creation January 3, 2007

Christ is the Organ of Creation

whom He appointed heir of all [things], through whom also He made the ages [fig., universe];
(Hebrews 1:2 ALT)


The following post was inspired by a phrase in Way into the Holiest by F.B. Meyer.

In Germany, there are many organs in older churches like the organ above. These pipe organs play very beautiful music. In order for the organ to be heard, there needs to be a player. An organist is a person who sits at the organ and plays the keys and pedals, thus able to produce music.

The Bible describes Jesus Christ as the organ that God used to create the world. To create music, there needs to be a musical player and a musical instrument. To play music on a pipe organ, there needs to be an organ and an organist. In creating the world, God was the organist, and Christ was the organ. Together, they made beautiful music in creating the world.

The music is not just physical notes, but melodies that can last for eternity. In the act of creation, God the Father and Jesus Christ made space and time. While the word used here is “world”, the original word is “aeon.” Thus, God the Father and Jesus the Son created the ages, the time in which the physical world exists. It is as if God the Father and Jesus the Son played melodies that can be heard by everyone forever.

Needless to say, God the Father and Jesus the Son make beautiful music together. We see this music in the variety of creation in the animal kingdom. We see their work in the ingenious creation of humanity. We see their work in the specific layout of the planet earth. We see the depth of their work in the vastness of the universe.

You and I are beautiful works of art that have been planned and played by the Father and Son since the beginning of time.

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