Overcoming My Spiritual Weaknesses

Overcoming My Spiritual Weaknesses October 8, 2012

Overcoming My Spiritual Weaknesses

Overcoming My Spiritual Weaknesses

Accept anyone who is weak in faith, but don’t argue about doubtful issues.
(Romans 14:1 HCSB)

When Paul defines “weak in faith”, he is not talking about physical weaknesses such as disabilities. He is not talking about weakness as an opposite to physical strength. He is using a word that could be translated immature.

Unlike Paul’s phrase “strong in weakness” in 2 Corinthians, Paul calls some people in the church the “weaker” brother. He means to say that they are immature.

Example 1: Alcohol consumption is for some people a physical or moral weakness. Everyone has the freedom to consume alcohol. But for some people, they are immature in their faith because they cannot handle other people when they drink alcohol. Watching other people drink alcohol (even when it is legal, and will not hurt anyone), causes some Christians to get upset. Perhaps they themselves think that they were once drunk and they don’t want to get near that state again. In any case, it a spiritual weakness to some Christians. They are not spiritually mature enough to handle alcohol consumption.

Example 2: Worship style is also for some people a physical or spiritual weakness. Some associate some music with sinful behavior, and other music as sacred. Therefore, there can only be one style of worship. While the Bible teaches otherwise, these weak people cannot stand other styles of music in worship.

Example 3: Charismatic spiritual gifts. For some Christians, these charismatic gifts are not spiritually appropriate. For these people, they are not mature enough to handle speaking in tongues (although it is not forbidden in the Bible).

In each example, Paul says that he is free to do what he wants. However, not everything is beneficial to the body. So on one side, Paul has to show some restraint. But on the other side, some “weak” Christians have to grow up.


1. What is my spiritual weakness (where am I immature?)
2. Are there Christians around me who have a spiritual weakness?
3. What can I do to help?
4. What do I need to do to overcome my spiritual weakness?

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

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