At The Right Time

At The Right Time December 28, 2014

At The Right Time

December 28, 2014 Year B

When the time came to completion, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law,

5 to redeem those under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. 6 And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba, Father!” 7 So you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.

At the right time…Jesus came. It was the right time for God to send His Son. It was the right time for His Son to be born of a virgin. It was the right time for Jesus to born a Jew. It was the right time for Jesus to die for the sins of not just the Jew, but the entire world. It was the right time for Jesus to ascend so that the Spirit could come. It was the right time for God to establish a proper relationship with His children who abandoned Him.

Time has been split between BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini – in the Year of our Lord) because God sent Jesus at the right time.

God does things always at the right time. He doesn’t do them too early. He is never late with His appointments. He is methodical, patient and proper in His timing.

If He took the time (no pun intended) to do it right with His Son, then God would have no problem doing things on time with His children.

God works in the moment. He has things planned in the future, but He doesn’t jump ahead. He knows the past, but He doesn’t dwell on it. He comes at the right time to us and for us.

Application: If God comes at the right time for me, then I need to operate out of His timing not mine. I need to learn to live in the moment – at the right time.

Prayer: God, help me not to be anxious about the past or the future. Teach me to live in the moment – to follow God at the right time.

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