I Will Remind People of God’s Love

I Will Remind People of God’s Love January 2, 2017

I Will Remind People of God's Love
Source: PublicDomainPictures.net

I Will Remind People of God’s Love

January 1, 2017 Year A

Isaiah 63:7-9

It’s another New Year’s Day. Typically, people make resolutions for the new year. They make a plan about bad habits to quit, weight to lose, and projects to complete. I have none of these. Instead, I have one thing I plan to do more of this year: I plan to remind people more about God’s love.

Isaiah says that he will make known God’s faithful love and His acts because of what God has done for God’s people (Isaiah 63:7). He wants to remind people of the good things God has done based on God’s compassion and love (Isaiah 63:8). He wants to show why God’s people should be loyal because of the loving acts of God as their Savior (Isaiah 63:9).

I want to be more loyal to God this year.
I want to share more about God’s good acts to God’s people this year.
I want to share more of God’s love to the lost this year.

In order for that to happen, I need to seize on more opportunities to share this year. I have a personal goal of meeting someone every day this year. I hope to share they Gospel with one person a day this year. I hope it will be more.

365 opportunities to share the Good News. 365 opportunities to share how God has been good. 365 opportunities to show how God has been my Savior.

It will be hard challenge, but one which I think will be worth the effort. What about you? How do you plan to remind people of God’s love this year? Feel free to share your thoughts. I look forward to reading your comments.

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