October 3, 2024

  You know that feeling of accomplishment when you put your heart and soul into something and the result is right at your fingertips?  That is what I am experiencing right now. Just over a year ago I set foot in my synagogue for the first time to convert and here I am just a few weeks away from the final step in the conversion process: the Mikveh.  I am experiencing so many feelings right now, among them is completeness.... Read more

September 30, 2024

  As we near the end of Elul and head quickly toward Rosh Hashanah, I’ve been thinking more than ever about how I want to change for the better in the new year. What traits must I incorporate to make a difference in this world and myself?  When looking for guidance, there is no better place than the Torah. Its pages contain heroes who exhibited leadership, bravery, and strength amid extreme hardship. Among these biblical titans is Moses.  Moses is... Read more

September 17, 2024

  I will always remember my first experience listening to Jewish music. It was during the High Holy Days nearly a year ago. I had been looking at various temples for my conversion and watched a local synagogue’s YouTube channel to get a feel for what a service was like there.  Little did I know then, what I was watching wasn’t the normal Shabbat service, it was Rosh Hashana and a classically trained cantor had traveled from out of state... Read more

September 8, 2024

We are now in the month of Elul on the Hebrew calendar and for Jews across the globe, this is a time of reflection and soul-searching before the start of the  Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah.  I couldn’t be more excited about Elul this year because, for the first time, I truly understand the significance of it. This is our time to “wipe the slate clean” in preparation for a wonderful new Jewish year and I intend to do just... Read more

August 31, 2024

  On my journey to Judaism, I have learned many wonderful cultural practices, but one that stands out among all the rest is the baking of Challah bread.  Challah is central to the Jewish experience.  Every Friday night, practicing Jews usher in  Shabbat, by saying the Kiddush prayer before drinking wine and eating the Challah, making this bread is much more than just a delicious carb-filled snack. Challah holds significant symbolism for the Jewish people and is connected to deeply... Read more

August 23, 2024

  My Journey to Judaism has been filled with new and exciting discoveries. Every week, I learn something for the first time, adopt a new tradition, and grow closer to God, but the most life-changing for me has been Shabbat: the Jewish day of rest. I look forward to this day every week. It’s my time to connect with Adonai, study the Torah, spend time with family, and unplug from the outside world. Shabbat is where I find inner peace.... Read more

August 16, 2024

Have you ever been rejected or betrayed? Your answer is likely yes. It’s tough to get through this life without experiencing some emotional pain inflicted by others.  But what’s important about these difficult experiences is how we recover and thrive despite the challenges. When looking to overcome hardship there is no better place to find inspiration than the Torah. Within its pages are valuable life lessons from powerful figures. Through resilience and faith in God, these biblical heroes overcame the... Read more

August 7, 2024

“It is the duty of every cultured man or woman to read sympathetically the scriptures of the world. If we are to respect others’ religions as we would have them respect our own, a friendly study of the world’s religions is a sacred duty.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi   Some journeys are meant to be taken alone.  When I first decided to convert to Judaism I had a little spark of hope that my family would join me; perhaps they might... Read more

August 1, 2024

    Have you ever felt misplaced in this world? I have and that feeling sent me on a pilgrimage.  Life is a journey full of twists and turns. Sometimes we make discoveries along the way. Like when I learned that my spiritual path would take a dramatic turn. I spent decades searching before I finally discovered my Jewish soul. This life-changing turn of events has led me to this new chapter of sharing my journey to Judaism.  What is... Read more

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