10 Reasons To Stop Tithing

10 Reasons To Stop Tithing January 15, 2018

Image: Pixabay
Image: Pixabay

Here are 10 very good reasons to stop tithing your 10% every week:

  1. The command to tithe was given only to the Jewish people. It was intended to provide for the upkeep of the Temple in Jerusalem and to support the Priesthood who owned no land and did not work to support themselves.
  2. The Temple in Jerusalem is gone now and has been for over 2,000 years, since its destruction by the Romans in AD 70.
  3. There is no longer any need to support a priesthood made up of people who do not own land or work for a living.
  4. The Old Covenant is now obsolete according to Hebrews 8:13. Therefore no one needs to keep those laws anymore.
  5. If you are in Christ then you are now the Temple of God where He has made His home. [See 1 Cor. 6:19-20]
  6. Those who abide in Christ are automatically ordained into the Priesthood of All Believers. [See 1 Peter 2:4-5 and 2:9-10]
  7. The daily sacrifice that was once offered in the Jewish Temple is now replaced by the living, daily sacrifice of every member of Christ’s Body. [See Romans 12:1]
  8. The New Testament scriptures do not command anyone to tithe and the Church didn’t formally institute the tithe until 777 AD under Charlemagne. For over 700 years no one who followed Christ tithed anything to the church.
  9. The New Covenant standard is not 10%, but 100%. God owns everything, and we are commanded to surrender everything to Christ. [See Luke 9:23 and Mark 12:17 ]
  10. The early Christians only practiced a freewill offering, not a mandatory ten percent obligation.


Just look at what Tertullian, a second century Christian, tells us about what the early Church did with their offerings:

“Even if there is a treasury of a sort, it is not made up of money paid in initiation fees, as if religion were a matter of contract. Every man once a month brings some modest contribution- or whatever he wishes, and only if he does wish, and if he can; for nobody is compelled; it is a voluntary offering…to feed the poor and to bury them, for boys and girls who lack property and parents, and then for slaves grown old…So we, who are united in mind and soul, have no hesitation about sharing property. All is common among us- except our wives. At that point, we dissolve our partnership..”

No Christian today should continue to follow the Old Covenant mandate given to pre-Christian Jews to surrender ten percent of their income to their religious leaders.
Now that everyone who is in Christ has been named the Temple of God, and has become the daily, living sacrifice, and has been ordained into the Priesthood of God, there is no longer any need to pay tithes to upkeep a building or to support a separate group or class of religious leaders.
Under the New Covenant, God owns 100%. We are called to surrender all that we have to Christ and to follow Him with our whole life. Under this New Covenant, we do not relegate worship to one day a week, but we now seek and serve and worship Him every single day of our lives.

So, stop holding back from God. Give 100 percent of your time, your money, your talent, and your life to Him.

Stop following rules and begin to follow the voice of the Spirit of God that lives within you.
Give freely, because you have freely received. [Matt. 10:8]
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” [2 Cor. 9:7]
Keith Giles is the author of “Jesus Untangled: Crucifying Our Politics To Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb” and co-host of the Heretic Happy Hour podcast. He is part of a house church in Orange County, California that gives away 100% of their offerings to help the poor in their community.

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