Dear Christian: You Were Made For Greater Things

Dear Christian: You Were Made For Greater Things June 27, 2019

Dear Christian,

You were made for better things than taking notes in your Bible.

You have more to give than tithes and offerings.

There is more of the Body and the Blood of Christ to receive than fits into a small cup or a tiny wafer.

You have been filled with the life-giving Spirit of God. The breath of the Creator fills your lungs.

You have been given a spiritual gift that is meant to build up the entire Body of Christ.

We need you. You matter.

Your participation in the growth of the Ekklesia is essential.

You were created by the God who is love to be loved and to be a conduit of this love; to be transformed in the process of giving and receiving this love that surpasses knowledge.

Rise up, my brother. Take your place in God’s grand design.

Speak up, my sister. Your voice has been silent way too long.

Take heart, take courage and take the hand of those who stand beside you, ready to lift you up, hold you close and cheer you on.

Here there is no distinction of race, orientation, status or ideology.

Here we are all one in Christ.

Look up. There is a world to be changed. There are lives to be touched.

Remember: We are the Incarnation of Christ. We are filled with the fullness of the One who fills everything in every way. There are still wounds to be healed. There are still broken people to be comforted as we have been comforted.

Yes, the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is even now thriving within you, pulsing with the power of resurrection life.

Believe it. Live it. Step into it.

Because, you were made for so much more than sitting in a pew.

You were created to advance the irresistible Kingdom of God.

You were made for so much more than raising money for the building fund.

You have been given the power of the Gospel of Christ.

You were made for so much more than passing out bulletins.

Your destiny is to change the world from the inside out.

So, stand up. Close the hymnal. Leave the pew. Take the presence of Christ out into the daylight.

Be the Church.



Keith Giles was formerly a licensed and ordained minister who walked away from organized church 11 years ago, to start a home fellowship that gave away 100% of the offering to the poor in the community. Today, He and his wife live in Meridian, Idaho, awaiting their next adventure.

His newest book, “Jesus Unveiled: Forsaking Church As We Know It For Ekklesia As God Intended” released on June 9, 2019 on Amazon, and features a Foreword by author Richard Jacobson.

His book “Jesus Unbound: Liberating the Word of God from the Bible”, is available now on Amazon and features a Foreword by author Brian Zahnd.

He is also the author of the Amazon best-seller, “Jesus Untangled: Crucifying Our Politics To Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb” with a Foreword by Greg Boyd.

His Podcast: Heretic Happy Hour Podcast is on iTunes and Podbean. 

Can’t get enough? Get great bonus content: Patreon page.

Upcoming events:

*Hot Springs, NC – July 11-14 “Wild Goose Festival”

*Woodstock, GA – July 27-28 “Unleashing the Word of God” [With Richard Murray] – FREE!



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