Etched Forever [A Poem]

Etched Forever [A Poem] November 6, 2023

IMAGE: Reuters


Etched forever

into the walls

of the Universe

Their names

Their faces

Like scars on the flesh of God

Testimonies of atrocity

rage against

our shared humanity

the divine image

beaten once more

into dark oblivion

the fury, the sound

the eternal silence

after every bomb has

exploded in the heart of

Abraham’s bosom

Leaving nothing behind

Only the end of dreams

The final sound

of an empty space

Where once there were children

Laughing, playing, singing,

Now there is only a shroud

Of grey dust that covers every

Square inch of their shattering

Traces of blood

Tiny shoes

Small hands

Grasping the air

Once there was faith

And hope and

Love but the greatest

Of these is scattered

On the wind

Etched forever on the walls

Of the universe

Like scars on

The face of a God

Who still weeps

Beside the road

Where the people

Still yearn for

The things that

Make for peace.


Keith Giles is praying for the peace of Palestine and for the love of God to permeate every heart in Israel until the family of God’s children is made whole again.

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