INNER CIRCLE: The Heavens Rolled Up

INNER CIRCLE: The Heavens Rolled Up May 24, 2024

Saying 111

Jesus said, “The heavens will be rolled up and likewise the earth in your presence, and the living one who will come forth from the Living One will not see death or fear,” [because Jesus says, “He who finds himself, of him the world is not worthy.”]


Following the theme of the last few sayings, Jesus tells us that the heavens and the earth – the physical world we see and experience on a daily basis – will one day fade away and vanish, revealing the true reality of the Living One from whom all life and reality emanate.

Those who “come forth from the Living One will not see death or fear,” because there is no death in life and there is no fear in love. God is both love and life.

And who are those who emerge from the Living One in that day when the earth and sky are rolled up like scroll?


Because none of us is ever separated from God, nor could we ever be.

The question is, are we aware that we are the living ones who come forth from the Living One yet, or not? Will we wait until the false reality is burned away to see reality as it truly is?

Either way, this false world will eventually crumble and the one true reality will be revealed in God, and in all of us.


Note: Scholar Bentley Layton notes that the final section of the saying was more than likely added by a scribe and later accidentally incorporated into the text itself at a later date.[1]

[1] The Gnostic Scriptures, Bentley Layton, p. 399


The newest book from Keith Giles, “The Quantum Sayings of Jesus: Decoding the Lost Gospel of Thomas” releases TODAY on Amazon. Order HERE>

Keith Giles is the best-selling author of the Jesus Un series. He has appeared on CNN, USA Today, BuzzFeed, and John Fugelsang’s “Tell Me Everything.” He hosts the Second Cup with Keith podcast, and co-hosts the Apostates Anonymous podcast, and the Heretic Happy Hour Podcast.

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