I have co-authored four nonfiction ministry books and have contributed to two other contract book projects. Collaboration makes every work better, whether through co-writing, contributing, or editing. If you are seeking help on a writing project, visit my personal website’s contact form to describe your needs.
Names of Jesus
(Insight for Living, contributor) 2014
There’s just something about the name—Jesus. The Name exalted above every other. The Word. The long-awaited King, spotless Lamb, and great I Am. Christ, Cornerstone, Shepherd, Servant . . . one title cannot begin to contain the vastness of the all-surpassing glory of Jesus. (A great Advent devotional!)
Leading Women Who Wound: Strategies for an Effective Ministry
(Moody Publishers, coauthor: Sue Edwards) 2010
Leading Women Who Wound shows women how to effectively deal with conflict within their ministries. Seasoned women’s ministry leaders themselves, Sue Edwards and Kelley Mathews walk through several different aspects of conflict resolution including self-examination, identification of potential sources of conflict, tools for conflict resolution, and insight on how to prevent and move beyond conflict to minister to those who have been sources of contention. Recognizing that not all conflict results in a happy ending, Leading Women Who Wound gives the tools necessary to minister effectively and move forward with integrity.
The Old Testament Handbook: A Practical Look at Each Book
(Insight forLiving, contributor) 2009
Many people view the Old Testament as outdated and out of touch. They couldn’t be more wrong! Family pressures, heartbreak, disappointment—the human dilemma—show up on every page. This helpful volume will provide you with a sweeping panorama of every Old Testament book, including accessible overviews, charts, and insights. This resource will show you exactly how God still has something to say to us today through the Old Testament.
Mixed Ministry: Working Together as Brothers and Sisters in an Oversexed Society
(Kregel, coauthors: Sue Edwards, Henry Rogers) 2008
Men and women working together can be a powerful ministry partnership, but it can also raise a lot of prickly questions:
• How does one relate to the opposite sex in a working environment?
• The New Testament treats Christian men and women as sacred siblings. Is that relationship a reality in our ministry?
• What are the appropriate bridges and boundaries?
• How can we learn to be “safe” in our dress, actions, and communication?
• How do sacred siblings interact in personal conversations, staff meetings, and professional outings?
In Mixed Ministry, the male and female authors explore these common and thorny issues in depth. Using biblical examples; personal interviews with ministry leaders; and practical advice on topics such as modesty, boundaries, communication, and interaction as siblings; the authors outline how staff and lay leaders can develop healthy working partnerships in their ministries. When men and women see each other with “new eyes” as brothers and sisters in Christ, ministry can thrive.
New Doors in Ministry to Women
(Kregel, coauthor: Sue Edwards) 2002
Mothers and grandmothers. Students and singles. Stay-at-home moms and working moms. How can your women’s ministry become a celebration of the church’s uniqueness rather than a conflict of interests?
New Doors in Ministry to Women presents a life-changing strategy that adapts to the unique circumstances of various ministries. This strategy, the Transformation Model, provides direction for building a ministry team, creating dynamic Bible studies, and preparing for and surviving conflicts. By building a women’s ministry around the understanding of biblical truth, this new model helps deepen women’s relationships with God and then with others.