Joyful Mysteries

Joyful Mysteries February 7, 2011

[This is an entry from my journal dated January 31st, 2009]

During the Virgin Mary’s joyful moments of life, suffering was also present. She shows us how to rejoice in the midst of suffering. At the Annunciation she was deeply troubled with the message of the angel. At the Visitation she was troubled about the journey through the hill country of Judea. At the Nativity she was troubled because they had no place to stay. At the Presentation she was troubled with Simeon’s prophecy that a sword would pierce her heart. At the Finding of Jesus at the Temple she was troubled after having to return not knowing if he’d be safe.

Joy exists in the midst of suffering. In the joyful mysteries a thorn remains reminding us there is no resurrection without the cross. Easter Sunday is not possible without Good Friday. Mary’s life is so – conceived without sin yet not spared from the trials of life. Pure, but not immune from sorrow.

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