Franciscan Revolution of Tenderness

Franciscan Revolution of Tenderness September 17, 2016


Father Thomas Rosica, the English language assistant of the Vatican Press Office, stated that Pope Francis’ greatest achievement is the rebranding of Catholicism at a global level.  I had the opportunity to hear Father Rosica comment on the Papacy of Francis during a conference in Atlanta a few weeks ago.  Rosica stated that the current Pope is being considered as a case study for rebranding in secular universities.  His efforts however are not measured nor guided by an image consultor, but rather, Rosica argues, the current Franciscan Revolution finds its source in Bethlehem, Nazareth, and Jerusalem.  In other words, the inspiration for Pope Francis comes from the Scriptures.  “Francis will succeed,” Rosica explained, “because his vision, hopes, and dreams are founded on Jesus Christ.”

The Pope is rebuilding the Church as Saint Francis did, but through a revolution of tenderness (Evangelii Gaudium, 88).  The Pope is leading a revolution through normal Christian behavior that calls every baptized Christian to be more Christ-like by being unafraid, faithful, good, and joyful.  From the beginning, Pope Francis has struck us by his simple language and gestures.  Several times he has ended his weekly Sunday Angelus address with the simple words “have a good Sunday and a good lunch.”  The uncomplicated and earthy language of his daily homilies at Casa Santa Marta allows him to connect with people.  His vocabulary does not appear to be very Papal, and with it, he paints beautiful images that are easy to comprehend.  The image of the Pope embracing Vinicio Riva, a deformed man covered with growths, swelling and sores has been plastered into the minds of many.  His humble request for prayers from the thousands gathered at Saint Peter Square the night he was elected revealed a simple man who truly smells like his sheep.  Wherever he goes, he continues to ask for prayers.

Rosica noted that Pope Francis cannot be classified in the traditional worldly categories of conservative or progressive.  His consistency and fidelity to the Gospels presents him as a paradox to the world.

Francis is reminding us that faith is first about a relationship with a person, Jesus Christ.  Once you fall in love with that person, you will do what he asks; you will listen and act out of love.  Pope Francis is renewing our relationship with Jesus Christ by directing us to the foundations of the Gospel message.   A heart that has not experienced the love of Christ will not be disposed to hear the truth or to act on it.  Without love, hearts will not change.

The Christian message often falls on deaf ears in the modern world because hearts are hardened.  No matter how loud we yell into the megaphone, they will not listen.  The Pope is showing us another starting point: the conversion of hearts.  We must first aid others to have an encounter with Christ, and this can be accomplished through a revolution of tenderness.  The rebranding of the Church by Pope Francis consists of the simple living of the Gospel.  No marketing firm could have achieved this.  The Holy Spirit continues to guide the Church as each one of us strives to place our visions, hopes, and dreams on Jesus Christ.

Pictures are mine, all rights reserved.

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