Over 200 Vocation Directors gather in New Orleans

Over 200 Vocation Directors gather in New Orleans September 28, 2017


Over two hundred vocation directors and support staff gathered in New Orleans this week for the 54th annual conference sponsored by the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors (NCDVD).  This National organization provides support throughout the year to Vocation Offices in the United States and a few other English speaking dioceses in the world.

One of the greatest benefits of this conference is its three day institute designed for new diocesan vocation directors.  It also facilitates networking between the priests who have been charged by their bishops with assessing the suitability of men who present themselves to attend seminary.  The various talks and workshops tend to be practical, allowing for the sharing best practices, imparting crucial information and encouraging the attendees.


The conference provides plenty of opportunities for communal prayer, including the Liturgy of the Hours, Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and Holy Hour.  The atmosphere is always joyful and fraternal.

Some of the keynote speakers this year included Bishop Caggiano of Bridgeport, Connecticut, and the youtuber Father Mike Schmitz.  On Tuesday evening, the rector and seminarians of Notre Dame Seminary welcomed the vocation directors at Saint Rita Parish for Mass and then the seminary for a reception.

On Wednesday afternoon I had a chance to visit beautiful New Orleans, including the Cathedral in the French Quarter and the National World War II Museum.

This conference always encourages me, reminding me that the future is bright.  Challenging yes, but bright.



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