The Annunciation: the Word became Flesh

The Annunciation: the Word became Flesh March 25, 2019

The Church remembers today a very concrete moment in the mystery of the incarnation.  The Virgin Mary, chosen from among women, agreed to play a singular role in the history of salvation.  The girl from the insignificant town of Nazareth was chosen by God to become the Mother of God.

As a Christian, there are no places more meaningful or significant than those connected to the life of Jesus in the Holy Land.  Among then is the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth which is built over a cave which was part of the house of Mary.  An altar in the cave boldly proclaims next to a statue of baby Jesus: VERBUM CARO HIC FACTUM EST rather than the usual VERBUM CARO FACTUM EST.  The addition of one word is a reminder of the concreteness of our faith.  The Latin inscription reads: HERE THE WORD BECAME FLESH rather than the passage from Scripture THE WORD BECAME FLESH.

Today’s Feast of the Annunciation, exactly nine months before Christmas, points to the reality that God has become a human being like you and me in every way.

Picture is mine, all rights reserved.  Nazareth, 2006.

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