February 11, 2022

Durante los últimos doce años he sido testigo de muchas parejas que intercambian votos matrimoniales ante mí y sus seres queridos. Algunos están visiblemente nerviosos, otros se expresan con gran convicción, mientras que unos pocos apenas pueden pronunciar las palabras debido a sus lágrimas de emoción. Es imposible permanecer indiferente cuando se asiste a una boda: algunos extrañan a su cónyuge fallecido, otros renuevan su compromiso matrimonial, otros se preguntan cuándo llegará su verdadero amor, y para otros lamentablemente es... Read more

January 30, 2022

One of my seminary professors who is now Bishop of Geneva, Switzerland, started class one day saying, “I hope that one day, all of you will lose your faith.  And your hope.”  He had his familiar grin on his face, so we knew he was up to something, but we didn’t know how to take the statement. He continued in his French accent, “that is the best thing I can wish you, no faith and no hope.  You see, when... Read more

January 6, 2022

Hace algún tiempo visité la ciudad de Greccio en las Colinas de Sabina al norte de Roma, Italia, cerca de donde se ensambló el primer Pesebre tal como lo conocemos en nuestras iglesias y hogares. Un santuario cuesta arriba desde la hermosa ciudad enclaustra la cueva donde San Francisco de Asís recreó la escena familiar de Belén con un buey, un burro y un pesebre para la Noche Buena de 1224. Los habitantes de Greccio se reunieron fuera de la... Read more

December 25, 2021

Many years ago, I met an elderly priest in North Augusta, South Carolina, who dedicated years of his Priesthood working with Irish Travelers.  If you have never heard of Irish Travelers, they are a nomadic group of people from Ireland, and many of them immigrated to the US during the Potato Famine in the 1850s.  They remained nomadic in the US until the 1950 when Father Murphy, the Pastor of Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church in North Augusta, SC,... Read more

December 16, 2021

Some time ago, I visited the town of Greccio on the Sabine Hills north of Rome, Italy, close to where the very first Nativity Scene as we have come to know it, was assembled.  A sanctuary uphill from the beautiful town encases the cave where Saint Francis of Assisi recreated the familiar scene of Bethlehem with an ox, a donkey and a manger on Christmas Eve of 1224.  Villagers from town gathered outside the cave to admire it.  A few... Read more

November 17, 2021

Cuando tenía más o menos unos siete años, mi mamá me contó la historia sobre una señora que fue diagnosticada con cáncer durante su embarazo.  Esta mujer tuvo que tomar una decisión muy difícil: recibir un tratamiento que afectaría el bienestar del bebe o esperar hasta después del parto para recibir el tratamiento necesario.  Esta mujer heroica de la cual contaba mi mamá optó por esperar. Seis meses después del nacimiento de su hija, la señora murió. Cuando ingresé al... Read more

November 13, 2021

Después de muchos años de anticipación, tuve la oportunidad de ver la obra musical de Broadway Hamiltonde Lin-Manuel Miranda en Jacksonville, Florida. Recuerdo haber aprendido sobre Alexander Hamilton durante mi primer semestre de la universidad tanto en un curso de Ciencias Políticas como en una clase de Historia de los Estados Unidos del siglo XIX. Leí algunos de los Federalist Papers de Hamilton, me enteré del genio económico que este señor y de su duelo fatal con Aaron Burr. Hace... Read more

November 11, 2021

After many years of anticipation, I had the opportunity to see the Broadway Musical Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda in Jacksonville, Florida.  I remember learning about Alexander Hamilton during my first semester of college in both a Political Science course and a 19th Century History of the United States class.  I read some of the Federalist Papers, learned of Hamilton’s economic genius and about his fatal duel with Aaron Burr.  For quite some time now I have been fascinated by the... Read more

October 21, 2021

When I was seven or eight years old, my mother told me the story about a mother who while pregnant became ill with cancer.  The woman had to make a very difficult decision: receive treatment and risk the wellbeing of the child, or wait until the child was born to be treated.  The heroic woman of my mother’s story chose to wait.  Six months after the birth of her daughter, the mother died. When I entered the seminary in 2002... Read more

October 18, 2021

Suffering is one of the greatest mysteries we face as human beings, a mystery that poses the greatest threat to our happiness and to our hope.  Perhaps it’s better described as a stumbling block. We are well aware that we not live in an ideal world: sure, we enjoy moments of intense joy and happiness, but we also experience loss and pain.  We are well aware that the world leaves us wanting… nothing is whole or complete. The Scripture readings... Read more

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