July 13, 2013

Jesus often has a way of not answering the question he is asked. Instead of answering, he asks a question in return.  Instead of answering, he likes to tell a story.  Instead of answering, he begins to speak of something much more profound that he renders the one asking the question silent. Today’s Gospel passage is no exception. Saint Luke tells of a scholar of the law, a faithful Jewish Pharisee, who comes to Jesus to test him: “What must... Read more

July 7, 2013

Many today have the impression that Jesus was a marginal preacher who only had twelve men and several women following him.  No one else listened to his message until it was too late, until they had nailed him to a cross. Today’s Gospel passage presents a different reality.  Jesus commissions seventy-two men to go out in pairs to preach the Gospel.  Who are these men?  Where did they come from? These men had been transformed by the message Jesus preached... Read more

July 2, 2013

La semana pasada escuché en el radio que actualmente dos tercios de los ordeñadores de vacas en los Estados Unidos son inmigrantes indocumentados. Ya que vengo de una familia de cuatro generaciones de ganaderos y después de haber trabajado tantas horas en una sala de ordeño, inmediatamente tomé interés en la noticia. Los ganaderos están muy atentos al debate de reforma migratoria ya que el paso básico y necesario de su industria está en peligro, el ordeño de las vacas.... Read more

July 2, 2013

Last week I heard a news story on the radio reporting that currently two thirds of cow milkers in the United States are undocumented immigrants. Coming from a four generation dairy family and having spent many hours in a milking parlor, I immediately took interest in the story.  Dairy farmers are very attentive to the immigration reform debate since the most basic and most necessary step of their industry is in jeopardy, the milking of the cows.  Cows must be... Read more

June 24, 2013

This past Thursday the bishops of Georgia, Archbishop Gregory and his auxiliaries and Bishop Hartmayer, wrote a letter to Senator Chambliss and Senator Isakson urging them to support comprehensive immigration reform.  Here are the highlights of the letter, below is a link to read the letter in its entirety. “As pastors in Georgia, we so often see the destructive effects of the broken immigration system in the eyes of children separated from their parents, in the dashed hopes of workers... Read more

June 23, 2013

The words of Jesus in this Gospel passage address one of the greatest mysteries faced by every single person who has lived, lives now and will live in the future: the mystery of suffering.  But not only that, but also that from suffering comes salvation, as the prophet Zechariah wrote, that from the mourning of Jerusalem comes a fountain that purifies from sin and uncleanliness. Every one of us here has experienced suffering, it comes in different forms and intensities,... Read more

June 21, 2013

Al hablar de la reforma migratoria, el Arzobispo Gómez de Los Angeles dijo en la Convención Suprema de los Caballeros de Colón en Denver hace dos años, “Los Estados Unidos siempre ha sido una nación de justicia y de leyes. Pero como americanos también siempre hemos sido un pueblo de generosidad, misericordia y perdón. Desafortunadamente, la respuesta actual de nuestra nación a la inmigración ilegal no es digna de nuestro carácter nacional.” Con estas palabras Monseñor Gómez se une al... Read more

June 21, 2013

While speaking on immigration reform, Archbishop Gomez of Los Angeles stated at the Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention in Denver two years ago, “America has always been a nation of justice and law.  But as Americans we have also always been a people of generosity, mercy and forgiveness.  Unfortunately, our nations’ current response to illegal immigration is not worthy of our national character.”  With these words Archbishop Gomez unites himself to the rest of the US Bishops who have been... Read more

June 20, 2013

Los meses de mayo y junio son el centro de la temporada de bodas. Las parroquias se llenan de actividad todos los sábados al acercarse hombres y mujeres al altar de Dios para intercambiar votos en presencia de sus seres queridos y un sacerdote o diácono. En la mayoría de bodas los novios eligen una lectura del libro de Génesis que revela cómo Dios creó hombre y mujer el uno para el otro y que el hombre deja a su... Read more

June 15, 2013

The months of May and June are at the heart of the wedding season.  Parishes are bustling with activity every Saturday as men and women approach God’s altar to exchange vows in the presence of their loved ones and a priest or deacon.  At most weddings the bride and groom choose a reading from the Book of Genesis which reveals how God created man and woman for each other and  that a man leaves his father and mother to become... Read more

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