May 22, 2012

“Ustedes padres que piden el bautismo para su hijo, deben dares cuenta de que contraen la obligación de educarlo en la fe, para que sepa guardar los mandamientos divinos: amar a Dios y a su prójimo, como Cristo nos enseñó.  ¿Aceptan esta obligación? El día que presentaron a sus hijos para el bautismo, escucharon estas palabras.  El sacerdote o diacono les hizo esta misma pregunta y ustedes respondieron, “Si.”  El bautismo es esencial para los recién nacidos ya que a... Read more

May 20, 2012

If we put into action what we believe, we will recognize Christ in all people.  Jesus instructs us to love one another, to seek the good for one another without counting the cost: “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” This is the task of every Christian, of all the baptized, and in particular the task of the parish priest. The priest, united to Christ, lays down his life out of love... Read more

May 20, 2012

  I had the honor of witnessing the marriage of one of my best friends from high school.  Below is most of my homily, I omitted personal references.       Whenever you look up at the sky on a clear night and there isn’t a new moon, the beauty of the moon brightly shinning thousands of miles away dominates the sky.  The moon, whether full or just a slim crescent, shines over you, its light piercing the darkness.   Yet,... Read more

May 12, 2012

  [after speaking to the children about Jesus’ promise of eternal life for those who eat his body and drink his blood, I shifted gears and addressed the parents] Jesus promises us eternal life and He could not be any clearer: he tells us to eat of his body and drink of his blood to have eternal life because his flesh is true food and his blood true drink. If faith in Jesus Christ is an integral part of your... Read more

May 11, 2012

The Jesuit Georgetown University, the oldest Catholic University in the United States, has invited HHS Secretary Sebelius to speak during commencement this year. Patrick Reilly, president of the Cardinal Newman Society, stated in a letter to Georgetown’s president John DeGioia that it is “scandalous and outrageous” that Georgetown would invite her. Sebelius is a Catholic who supports abortion and has played a central role in the controversial mandate from the Health and Human Services Department which infringes on the Church’s... Read more

May 10, 2012

Durante el mes de mayo, mes tradicionalmente dedicado a la Virgen María, tuvimos tres coronaciones de Nuestra Madre en mi parroquia, Sacred Heart en Warner Robins.  La primera fue un domingo inmediatamente después de la Misa de las nueve de la mañana, la otra fue con los estudiantes de la escuela quienes rezaron un rosario en nuestro jardín mariano y la tercera durante la Misa en español. Normalmente son reyes y reinas quienes usan coronas, así que al coronar una... Read more

May 10, 2012

I came across this video a few weeks ago and thought it was the cutest thing.  You will certainly appreciate it more if you are Catholic. In the youtube comments of the video, some argue it’s disrespectful, but I think it serves as a reminder that little kids are watching and listening to everything that goes on around them, including Mass.  Notice how closely the boy imitates the priest, even looking serious and prayer after reviving communion and closing the Missal! Read more

May 9, 2012

During May, the month traditionally dedicated to the Virgin Mary, we had two Coronations of the Blessed Mother at my parish, Sacred Heart in Warner Robins.  One was after the 9am Sunday Mass, the other during a school morning where all the children prayed a Rosary in our Marian Garden.  Crowns are usually worn by kings and queens, so by crowning a statue of the Blessed Mother we are recognizing and proclaiming her as Queen.  Mary is often honored as... Read more

April 28, 2012

Angels appeared as I heard confessions this evening.  I saw them bright and clear through the window in the confessional.  They were flying over the parish, making their presence known. They were the Blue Angels and they were amazing.  The Blue Angels is the US Navy’s airplane aerobatic team. Thursday afternoon I watched them practice while leading a retreat for the 8th graders at a nearby park.  I had to hush several times when they flew right over us due... Read more

April 28, 2012

Angels appeared as I heard confessions this evening.  I saw them bright and clear through the window in the confessional.  They were flying over the parish, making their presence known. They were the Blue Angels and they were amazing.  The Blue Angels is the US Navy’s airplane aerobatic team. Thursday afternoon I watched them practice while leading a retreat for the 8th graders at a nearby park.  I had to hush several times when they flew right over us due... Read more

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