De Lubac, getting started

De Lubac, getting started February 2, 2008

A reader asks for direction in getting started with the work of Henri de Lubac. Here are some suggestions.

First, for a very brief summary of his work and contributions, see the chapter on him in Fergus Kerr’s book on twentieth-century Catholic thought.

Second, von Balthasar wrote a brief overview of de Lubac’s life and work, which is still in print.

Third, recommendations regarding de Lubac’s work itself is harder, because his work ranges over many topics. It depends on what your interest is. I think Catholicism is probably the best statement of his distinctive theological contributions. Beyond that, the Mystery of the Supernatural and Augustinianism and Modern Theology are the key works on nature and grace (on which John Milbank’s little book is also helpful). Corpus Mysticum is his great work on sacramental theology, and Medieval Exegesis is his major contribution to hermeneutics.

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