Jesus’ Sabbath

Jesus’ Sabbath September 10, 2008

An anonymous homily of the late 4th century: “Scripture has taken the Sabbath to mean rest . . . . So also the Lord having wrought the consummation, having suffered on Friday and finished his works for the restoration of fallen man, rests the seventh day and abides in the heart of the earth, having finally given to those in Hades the release his passion affords. As to the fact that he rests now from all his works, when the fall of many became apparent as a result of his transgression, there remained a further work for God, which he had yet to achieve and restore. When he had done that in his passion, and made safe again the lost man, whom he saved, on the day of the paschal sabbath he ‘rested from all his works,’ no work any longer remaining for the achievement of our salvation.”

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