The End of Creation

The End of Creation March 4, 2010

Jenson commends Jonathan Edwards’ answer to the question about the point of creation.  Reflecting on the fact that the bride is a bringer of “peace” or “completion” to her lover, he asks: “Can God make a whole with creatures, a whole that somehow satisfies him?  If he cannot, why are there creatures?  If he can, does this not imply that in himself he lacks something?  Why indeed should God have a creation at all?  Why does he need it for?”

According to Jenson, Edwards’s answer is: “given the fact of God’s eternal election, behind which we cannot penetrate, our good and God’s good are from his side indistiguishable.”

This is a striking way to put it: Election is what puts God at risk , rather than an act of risk-avoidance.

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