Economic Trinity

Economic Trinity January 13, 2011

BB Warfield points out that the church’s confession of the Trinity is embedded in the church’s conviction that God Himself had appeared as Jesus: “It was in the coming of the Son of God in the likeness of sinful flesh to offer Himself a sacrifice for sin; and in the coming of the Holy Spirit to convict the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment, that the Trinity of Persons in the Unity of the Godhead was once for all revealed to men. Those who knew God the Father, who loved them and gave His own Son to die for them; and the Lord Jesus Christ, who loved them and delivered Himself up an offering and sacrifice for them; and the Spirit of Grace, who loved them and dwelt within them a power not themselves, making for righteousness, knew the Triune God and could not think or speak of God otherwise than as triune. The doctrine of the Trinity, in other words, is simply the modification wrought in the conception of the one only God by His complete revelation of Himself in the redemptive process.”

It was natural for the early church to speak in Trinitarian terms, long before the church formulated an explicit Trinitarian theology: “In speaking and writing to one another, Christians, therefore, rather spoke out of their common Trinitarian consciousness, and reminded one another of their common fund of belief, than instructed one another in what was already the common property of all.”

In short, “Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are the fundamental proof of the doctrine of the Trinity.”

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