Shem, Ham, Japheth

Shem, Ham, Japheth July 27, 2011

The table of nations (Genesis 10) initially lists Noah’s sons in the common order: Shem, Ham, Japheth. In the body of the list, however, the order is reversed: First descendants of Japheth, then Ham, then Shem.

In the history of Israel, the list is reversed again. Israel begins in subjection to Mizraim/Egypt, a Hamite people (Genesis 10:6). But during the closing days of Israel’s monarchy, they are successively subject to Shemites, Hamites, and finally Japhethites. Asshur is Semitic (10:22), and conquers Samaria and the northern kingdom. Babel is founded by Nimrod, a Hamite (10:9-10). Finally, the Jews are conquered by Greeks and Romans, Javanites, Japhethites (10:2).

The odd empire out is Persia, which doesn’t appear at all in the Old Testament until the end of 2 Chronicles.

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