Exegeting God

Exegeting God March 20, 2012

“No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He exegesato Him” (John 1:18). Meaning what?

The verb contains the word hegemon , and means to “lead out.” The Father has been hidden, and the Begotten God “leads Him out” of hiding.

The verb means to declare, and the Word declares the unknown Father. He unfolds hidden things.

The verb means “to unfold in narrative” (cf. Luke 24:35; Acts 10:8; 15:12, 14; 21:19). The incarnate Word is the narrative of God.

The verb means “interpret,” and the Word is the interpretation of the Father.

Greeks used the verb to refer to interpretation of texts, and the living Word is also the exegesis of the Old Testament, not only in His teaching but also in His life and actions.


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