Eucharistic meditation

Eucharistic meditation April 28, 2013

1 Corinthians 11:20: Paul calls this meal the “Lord’s Supper.”

We have eaten together about five hundred times. This is the last time I’ll serve at this table as pastor of Trinity Reformed Church, but after I’m gone, you’ll have the same host. Jesus is the host of this meal. He always has been. He always will be.

What happens in holy communion doesn’t depend on whom you see standing here. It doesn’t depend on how clever or profound the Eucharistic meditation is. It doesn’t depend on anything we say or do. It depends on Jesus.

Because this is the Lord’s Supper, it is a communion in the body and blood of Christ, the marriage supper of the lamb, spiritual food and drink. Because Jesus is host, you can be sure that by His Spirit He binds you into one body as you partake of the one loaf. You can be sure that Jesus offers Himself here as your food and drink, your life, your everything.

My final word to you is: Do this, and keep doing this, as the memorial of Jesus.

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