Creative Speech

Creative Speech September 13, 2018

God speaks worlds into existence, worlds that do not have the capacity to respond before the Word is spoken.

Jesus calls dead Lazarus from the tomb, a Lazarus who has lost the capacity to hear and obey.

Creative speech confers the capacity to hear and respond.

This seems to be a uniquely divine power; it’s a sign of the unique creativity of God.

But men and women too can speak in a way that confers the capacity to respond.

One might say: Bad rhetoric is speech that inhibits the capacity of the hearer to respond; good rhetoric facilitates a positive response from the hearer.

Good rhetoric is creative. It is human speech that conveys the capacity for response.

Think of a rousing pep talk, an effective political speech or sermon, a word of refreshment to one in pain or grief. These are human words that convey the power to act in new ways.

This is not mere analogy, much less a distant analogy. We have a capacity for creative speech because we’re made in the image of a God whose speech confers and conveys the power of response.

If it’s analogy, it’s an ontological analogy.

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