Back from Hiatus; Exciting News!

Back from Hiatus; Exciting News! July 25, 2016

My last blog post was an embarrassingly long time ago. I have four kids home from school, and I made the unfortunate, first time mistake of really, really over-scheduling us for the summer.

It’s been mostly fun. But too busy. Too many commitments, and not enough down time. I’m not reading any books, and haven’t read a book all summer. I’m actually embarrassed. Reading is one of those things that reminds me I’m more than a chauffeur.

We successfully completed basketball camp, baseball league, science camp, a reading program at the library, Totus Tuus, summer preschool for the one going into kindergarten, and summer preschool for the one still in preschool. I work part time, which makes for a lot of running around.

Now that activities are coming to a close, we’ll get started on haircuts, eye appointments, and teeth cleanings in a race before Labor Day. My daughter has six follow up appointments of her own before the end of September. All of which are a two-hour drive away. If it seems like my head is spinning, that would be accurate.

There are some exciting things brewing, too.

I’m gestating a little miracle, who is due in November.


And I’m excited. I’m so excited that I can hardly stand it.

Depending on how much my readers have followed my others posts, one may wonder how it’s going in the pregnancy department. I’ll blog about it more later. Briefly, first half was a breeze, but the second half has been difficult and painful. As someone who is resigned to chronic pain, this is the first pregnancy where I am able to make an intentional effort to enjoy every day, despite having a hard time walking at times.

The election has been keeping me quite entertained. I may decide to keep politics off the blog for now. I don’t enjoy getting eaten alive, but I don’t know how I could avoid it this time around, regardless of where I stand.

Finally, in addition to working part time, expecting a baby in a few months, and the craziness that is getting kids out the door for school, we are also seriously contemplating changing schooling options for one of our children. Pray for us. What we’ve done hasn’t been working, and the alternatives will be more work, regardless. We want to do what’s best. I wish it were easier to know!

I hope everyone’s summer has gone well!



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