March 5, 2014

"I pray for wisdom on a daily basis. I’m not smart enough to run this business by myself and I know that but I believe God can sure help me." Read more

February 28, 2014

How one woman works to change the world through medical care and homeschooling. Read more

February 25, 2014

Would knowing whether a restaurant is a good employer influence your decision on where to eat out? Read more

February 24, 2014

Why do we all have "coursing through our veins, the desire to make something from nothing"? Read more

February 22, 2014

"Topeka, Kansas, was in a severe economic recession when Sheldon arrived in 1889 to pastor the Central Congregational Church. To make his ministry relevant to the everyday needs of his parishioners and community, he asked his church for permission to devote twelve weeks to what he called 'practical sociological studies,' suspending most of his regular duties except for preaching on Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings. A remarkable adventure ensued, taking him into every part of town to learn how others lived and worked." Read more

February 20, 2014

"How should women reconcile the artificial divide between home and work? You may be surprised to learn this is a relatively modern problem. For most of history, the home was the small business unit of the local economy for both women and men." Read more

February 17, 2014

God has been at work in his people, in his church, in this land. And, no doubt, in you, in a myriad ways. We may not get to see the outcome in our lifetimes, but God is at work. Read more

February 15, 2014

What will happen when life kills the American dream? The current socio-political system is increasingly not working for those who work hard and smart to achieve. That will mean the need for a change, hopefully for the better, for a system that works for the people, not against them. Read more

January 28, 2014

If we are to continue to win the fight for business survival, then comfort and self-seeking motives have no place in our organizations. If complacency is setting in, then what can you do as a leader to remind people of the mission? Read more

January 25, 2014

"No matter where you work, and regardless of what you believe, you also likely have to reconcile your values with the realities of your job. And cussing by co-workers is probably the least of your worries." Read more

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