Day Thirty Two: I Can Experience Peace amid the Storms of Life

Day Thirty Two: I Can Experience Peace amid the Storms of Life February 24, 2011

Scott Peck once noted that “life is difficult,” and I agree. In the course of a lifetime, I have faced job loss, economic uncertainty, and serious illness in my family, and the death of both parents. Yes, life is difficult but we can respond creatively to the stresses of life. We can experience peace amid the storms of life.

Do you remember the Gospel story of the storm at sea? The disciples panicked and thought they were going to drown until they remembered that Jesus was in the boat with them. Then, I suspect they experienced a sense of peace even though the waves still beat against their skiff. Yes, peace is as much a matter of interpretation of reality as the reality itself.

We can experience peace through meditation, prayer, and remembering that we are always in God’s care and that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Today, take time to pause and live with the following affirmations.
I can experience peace amid the storms of life.
I always live in God’s quiet center.
God is with me in every situation. I am safe in the circle of God’s care.

May you experience both peace and adventure today.

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