Faith in a Time of Pandemic – God is Your Shield

Faith in a Time of Pandemic – God is Your Shield July 26, 2020

I am Your Shield
God came to Abram [Abraham] in a vision, “Do not be afraid, Abram, I am your shield; your reward will be very great.” (Genesis 15:1; read 15:16)

Abram and Sarai [Abraham and Sarah] have received the promises of God. They will be the parents of a great nation. Yet, they remain childless. How can this promise come true given their current situation?

Yet, in their uncertainty and concern that their name will die with them, God gives them another promise, “Don’t be afraid. I will take care of you. You will receive great things. Your descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky.”
God’s promise is audacious to this childless couple. God intends to make a way where they see no way. God intends to create new life where they see barrenness.

These days, it’s difficult to discern new life and an abundant future. Our world is smaller physically as we shelter in place. Yet, God promises that our physical constraints cannot limit our future. God promises more than we can ask or imagine.
Where are you feeling limited today? Where do you feel afraid? In what ways, might God be present in your life, showing you the way to a lively future, with possibilities as numerous as the stars?

Our limitations are the source of possibility. Within our sheltering in place, we can experience the far horizons of God’s love. We can glimpse the moral and spiritual arcs of history and take the first steps of getting on board as God’s companions in healing the earth. Each day can become a holy adventure when we trust our present and future to God.

Holy One, you have a sky full of possibilities prepared for me. Let me see within my current limits, more than meets the eye. Let me give birth to adventures with each new day. Amen

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