Faith Still Matters

Faith Still Matters February 21, 2023

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Everywhere we look the basis for faith seems to be on trial.  Families, communities and individuals cry out in despair that the fabric of society is eroding. Crime, natural disasters and mental distress continue to rise at alarming rates.

Polls show a continuing trend away from God.  Hearts are hurting often citing issues with organized religion stemming from abuse and control. Yet healing the heart is at the forefront of Christ’s ministry and maintaining faith deserves reconsideration. It matters to you and it matters to God.

In these trying times, having faith in God is the difference between holding onto peace or living in the despair and often repeated hopelessness that we see around us.

Faith Is Necessary

Faith is fuel for action and a necessary shield from spiritual harm. It is also the basis from which Jesus   performed miracles (Matthew 13:58, Mark 5:34). There is a reason why God gave us his Word the Bible. It teaches us about his character, it inspires us to action, it gives us a prophetic roadmap about the future, it identifies the messiah and it gives us examples of faith whose lives we can imitate.

 Our faith is buoyed when we imitate the faith of those who have walked before us and we experience how our own prayers are answered.

Living day to day, we may not stop to think much about the coming world, but when disaster strikes, as with the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria, we cannot help but think that there is so much outside of our control. There has to be more to life than this. God did not intend for our lives to end in heartache.

Knowing that tragedy is not the end for believers, regardless of the realities we see now, we are able to process each challenge with peace and have strength to move forward beyond even the bleakest of circumstances.

Life Is A Faith Journey

With faith as a shield, life becomes a journey that takes a different perspective and looks above rather than at self alone. Its one that transfers the heaviest burden to God and eases mental distress.  Are you wondering why it works?

Daily we face the unknown and must have courage. The normal stress of life is often compounded by personal illness or the illness of a loved one. We have the challenge of providing for ourselves and our families and making sure we live a balanced lifestyle to fend off burn out or emotional breakdown. Because faith is one part of the spiritual armor, it works as a shield to fend of the attacks that come our way. It can divert the attack or lessen the impact (Ephesians 6:16).

 It takes continual skill to block out doubt and place our hope in God. Additionally, readiness of heart to receive more faith through hearing God’s word regularly (this can be through reading God’s word) will help us to develop solid faith that does not easily waver.  Having such faith invites the presence of God.  You will see evidence of how you are guided and the path before you straightens until all your ways are peace. His promise is that when the tough times come they will not be more than you can handle but are for your eventual strengthening and prosperity.

But faith is not just belief. It is action based on God’s word. You must know God’s word to rely on his promises. You must believe God’s word to have the faith to come to him with your concerns.

Women of Faith in Action

Consider the women of faith sprinkled throughout the bible.  Each put their faith into action and received favorable assistance or answers from God.  Sometimes its through prayer, which relieves the emotional burden, as was the case for Hannah. She was childless and taunted mercilessly because of this by the second wife of her husband. She poured her heart out to God, left her burden with Him, and received the favorable answer by God in the birth of her son Samuel and went on to have other children as well. That was her heart’s desire.

There is also Jochabed, the mother of Moses, who found a way to preserve the life of her child, despite the decree by Pharoah of Egypt for all Hebrews to murder all male born babies. She received as a reward the opportunity to nurse him and no doubt shared with him the ways of God.

Finally, the example of the Daughters of Zelophehad who requested an inheritance from God at a time when land inheritance was being given to the male heirs alone. Knowing God is a righteous judge, they made their case and received their request for land because their was no male heirs in their family. It was an action that took faith. It also set precedent. God views women  favorably and we can go directly to Him in times of need (Numbers 27).

A life of faith is  still the key to hope, strength and miracles. Using it as a shield daily, allows us to be prepared for whatever comes our way. It deflects much of the enemy’s spiritual arrows that come against us. It grounds us, fortifies us and assures us that we do not go through life alone.


About Margaret Y. Buapim
Margaret Y. Buapim is a full time writer who has one novel Ring Envy published since 2006. She is currently working on her second novel and has contributed to the award winning ezine WOW!Women-On-Writing. She has been the past recipient of a Los Angeles Area Mensa Award for her Essay Writing. You can read more about the author here.

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