11 New Year’s Resolutions that Every Man Must Commit to this Year

11 New Year’s Resolutions that Every Man Must Commit to this Year December 26, 2018

It’s that time of the year again, or should I say, it’s the end of the year! As we ponder on the past year and wonder in excitement about the next one, many of us will make one or more New Year Resolutions. This means we all make promises to ourselves that usually get shattered by March. And even though we break our resolutions year after year, we will still promise ourselves to eat healthier, exercise and work hard.

I have been thinking about my own resolutions for this year and since so much of my life revolves around my family, my wonderful wife and my three boys, it would make sense to make resolutions for the new year based on them. I want to share my resolutions today because I feel it may bless other men who may have the same challenges I do.

2018 Resolution Victory!

Last year I resolved to get my my kids to sleep in their own beds. At the time, my family approached bedtime like a roving band of narcoleptic gypsies. Despite having officially-assigned beds, the boys often woke up in each other’s beds, my bed, on family room furniture, on the giant teddy bear in the corner of the room or on the floor… but never outside … at least not yet!

The good news is we all still like each other and this sleep shuffle didn’t seem to affect my kids. But it affected me, as I frequently woke up at 3 a.m. with one leg on the floor, because I was subconsciously trying not to be shoved out of bed by a recently-arrived occupant. This needed to stop, because they were all getting too big, and Dad was getting too old to have his body twisted around like this without him knowing.

I am happy to say that I have nailed this New Year resolution! Oh, we still have the occasional visitor while my wife and I are still awake, but after a hug or a prayer, the visiting son will take himself upstairs to his room and go to sleep.



Some Serious Resolutions for 2019

So it’s that time of the year again when we start thinking about a new year and what we can do differently. We plan and we dream and make some promises to ourselves to improve on something. For 2019, I have outlined the following resolutions:

I fully resolve to do everything I can to make Manly Training a tool that will make a difference in our world today. Manly Training needs to become a movement that will help men across America and the world become Godly men, Loving husbands and Fathers that will be there for their families. I dream of a day that fatherless homes are eradicated in our great land. A day when those 24 million children that go to bed in a home without a father today would be able to say; “Good night daddy”!

Furthermore, I do solemnly resolve before God to take full responsibility for myself, my wife, and my children. Not that I am irresponsible, but in all honesty, I am not perfect and I realize that I have some growing to do as do you. The following list is something I think EVERY man must resolve to do immediately and what better time to focus on this than today? We are but 5 days away from New Year’s Eve. Do you have your resolutions yet? Here is a list I want to share with you to help you make your resolutions.

My Manly Resolutions:

  1. •I resolve to love my wife and my children, to protect them,  to serve them, and to teach them the Word of God as the spiritual leader of my home.
  2. I Resolve to be faithful to my wife, to love and honor her, and to be willing to lay down my life for her as Jesus Christ did for me.
  3. •In 2019 I WILL bless my children by teaching them to love God with all of their hearts, all of their minds, and all of their strength.
  4. I WILL also train my three boys to honor authority and live responsibly.2016-12-27-23-11-56
  5. •I WILL confront evil, pursue justice, and love mercy.
  6. •2019 will be the year that I WILL pray intensely for others and treat them with kindness, respect, and compassion. Starting with my family.
  7. •As the head of my house, I WILL work diligently to provide for the needs of my family.
  8. •I WILL forgive those who have wronged me and reconcile with those I have wronged.
  9. •In 2019, I Resolve to learn from my mistakes, repent of my sins, and walk with integrity as a man answerable to God.
  10. •I WILL seek to honor God, be faithful to His church, obey His Word, and do His will.
  11. •I WILL courageously work with the strength God provides to fulfill this resolution for the rest of my life and for His glory.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. – Joshua 24:15

The Discipline of Fatherhood



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