7 Life-changing Lessons I Learned from My Dad – Thanks!

7 Life-changing Lessons I Learned from My Dad – Thanks! October 18, 2019

What Things did I learn from my dad?

When asked this question my first thought was, what did I learn from my dad? It’s not that I didn’t learn anything, it’s that it isn’t something I gave much thought to. It didn’t take long for God to start showing me what I did learn.

In keeping with Ephesians 6:2, “…honor your father”, I’m not going to include of the lesson was good or bad. I believe all lessons have the potential to be good if the knowledge gained is used productively and for good.

Lesson 1

First, and most important, was to know God, know His word and know His Son. I remember the impression when I flipped through his Thompson Chain Reference Bible and saw the highlights, underlines and notes. I must of been around 8 or 9 at the time. Since then I have come to agree with Teddy Roosevelt in that a thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education. The wisdom and guidance on this one book has set the foundation for many trying times in the future.

Lesson 2 – Be Involved

He taught me to be involved. Don’t just sit on the side lines complaining. Be a man and do something. Anyone can complain. Make a commitment to something.

Lesson 3 – Serve

Serve. There is never an excuse not to serve. Serve God, your wife, your family and your country. The sacrifice of serving is important. It builds character and helps put things in perspective. Nothing builds character and appreciation for what God has given you as being part of something bigger than yourself. When you serve, include your children. They need to see you living the faith you talk about. It also helps them take on their own faith, not living out yours.

Lesson 4 – My Wife is First

Put your spouse first. Men, your wife comes before every other person on earth. Your children will learn this quickly and it will give them a tremendous sense of security. The Bible tells us to leave and cleave, not leave and put her second to your family.

Lesson 5 – Work hard

Put in an honest days work. Don’t try and cheat the clock out cut corners. Your faith, the integrity of the gospel and your reputation are on the line. The damaged reputation is not with the short term gain.

Lesson 6 – Character Matters

Your character matters. Sometimes it’s all you have left. Doing something illegal or immoral at work just to keep the job is not worth it. It’s not worth the affront to God nor the damage to your reputation. Remember, a momentary lapse in judgement can do irreparable harm to the things you profess to stand for.

Lesson 7 – Tithe

When you are paid, your tithe and offerings come first. All else is secondary. I’m not going to tell you how much to give, that’s between you and God. I do suggest you and your wife be on the same page. I also recommend reading the story of R.G. LeTourneau. An incredible story of giving and God’s hand in return.

I can give many more lessons, but I return to the most important, know God, know His Son and know His word.


Andy Specht.

Born in Western PA, attended high school in Jamestown, PA before enlisting in the Marine Corps. It was during my time in the Marines that I met my wife who’s from Eastern NC where we reside. I have attended the AG’s School of Ministry and have been in many different aspects of ministry. We have two children. Our oldest graduates high school this spring and is active in the local volunteer fire department. He has been overseas on missions and aspires an internship with Metro Ministries in NYC. Our youngest is passionate about underprivileged children and has her eye on Iris Ministries.

For more about Andy Specht and his work, go to:

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Andy Specht – SOUNDCLOUD


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A Word From Eduardo Quintana

A Call To Action

Men, our families need godly men. Our wives need godly men. Our world needs godly men. Will you be a man with me? Let’s show ourselves strong by living for the Lord. Today I ask you to decide, will you be a man or a mouse? Will you be a Godly man or will you turn your back on God? Will you be a man that lives to serve his wife and children or will you be the man that lives to please himself? Choose today what kind of a man you will be, as for me and my sons, we will serve the Lord and be the men that God created us to be. Will you join us?

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