Messed Up and Confused Men – Biblical Manhood

Messed Up and Confused Men – Biblical Manhood March 4, 2020

Why Are Men So Messed Up and Confused? I believe there are multiple factors that have contributed to men being messed up and confused. I don’t think this list is exhaustive, but it will give us a good picture. Since the feminist movement (that really began gaining ground in the 1960s) got underway we have become scared to stand up for true masculinity for fear of being mislabeled or attacked. 

I think it is partly because we have forgotten what true masculinity looks like, honestly. There has been a lack of teaching and discipleship in the home and our churches. Most of our dads didn’t teach us and, for the most part, neither did our pastors. For the longest time I used this lack of discipleship as a crutch. I complained that I didn’t know these things because “I was never taught or discipled.”

Mom did What She Could but I’m Still Messed Up

My mom did what she knew how, but she is not a man and could not teach me to be a man! Poor, pitiful me! I felt sorry for myself because I thought I was in the minority of Christian men. I now know that men who have received discipleship from their dads or other godly men in the church are in the minority. If you are in the minority – praise God!

Side note: Don’t sit around and blame others for your lack of training. Whatever your circumstances were, you can still learn to be a Godly man, a devout husband, a god-fearing father and a model citizen. Find training. Follow the examples of godly men around you. Ask them questions. Read good books, listen to sermons, etc. The bottom line is this: do something about it so you can disciple others, so you can train your sons, and stop this cycle!

Definition of Biblical Manhood – Messed Up

So here is my definition of biblical manhood as simply as I can put it: Biblical manhood is the state or condition of a man who is making progress in pursuing and knowing God himself (as opposed to merely accumulating facts about God — the facts must at some point lead to a fire in the heart for the Person of God), and who values these above all else.

A godly man is a man who is after the heart of God, who longs for God, and whose own heart belongs to God. This is much more than “I gave my heart to Jesus” when I was 12 years old at summer camp. This is a moment-by-moment giving over of our heart, our self, to the Father, to Jesus, to the Holy Spirit, with a hope, a desire, a passion for His glory to be reflected in all we think and do. A godly man knows God, so much so that he can say, Oh God, you are my God. That, in a nutshell, is godly manhood.

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A Word From Eduardo Quintana

A Messed Up Call To Action

Men, our families need godly men. Our wives need godly men. Our world needs godly men. Will you be a man with me? Let’s show ourselves strong by living for the Lord. Today I ask you to decide, will you be a man or a mouse? Will you be a Godly man or will you turn your back on God? Will you be a man that lives to serve his wife and children or will you be the man that lives to please himself? Choose today what kind of a man you will be, as for me and my sons, we will serve the Lord and be the men that God created us to be. Will you join us?

Truth time: Manly Training Ministries is a full time job – on top of my Full Time Employment and being a husband and a Father! I easily put 40+ hours a week into creating the content for Manly Training– whether it’s dreaming up posts, creating art images, responding to emails and comments, and managing the social media feeds. It’s time to start fundraising for this ministry.

There are two ways to help us do this!

1) By donating directly through PayPal –>  Donate Button with Credit Cards

2) By joining me over at Patreon!

Patreon allows you to pledge as little as $1 a month, and in return you’ll get some pretty cool rewards, ranging from your name and blog on my MTM VIP page, exclusive content, and PODCAST VERSIONS of my posts!

MTM Won’t Get Messed Up, I Promise.

But don’t worry! MTM is still going to be EXACTLY what it is now. Patreon perks are simply that: extra perks!

I have big plans for Manly Training– including a book AND a pushing the Manly Training Show on YouTube.

Your pledge will help me continue to put the considerable time and effort into each and every post that makes Manly Training what it is.

So thank you from the bottom of my heart. I pray every day for each and every one of you who take the time to read my words. You are a blessing.

Thank You!


About Eduardo Quintana
Eduardo Quintana makes a living as a Restaurant Manager but is an accomplished writer, speaker and blogger. Eduardo began writing in 2015 and he founded soon after that. Manly Training was launched as a community for Pastors, Church Leaders, bloggers, and TV/Radio host rock stars, Manly Training is a quickly growing collective of go-getters from all around the world who understand the importance of Training Men according to God's design. Eduardo is looking to become a full time author and speaker as he continues to launch groundbreaking websites that are making a difference in today's world. These websites include "Biblical Information Group" - and "Leaders by ejq3" Straight From The Horse's Mouth: "Hi, my name is Eduardo Quintana. I'm a Christian author, a speaker and a blogger living in San Antonio TX. I specialize in bringing God's Word to Families, especially the men (young or old). I've worked with groups of all shapes and sizes so contact me if you'd like to work together to bring men back to God's design and see families restored to God's plan and purpose! email: You can read more about the author here.

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