One Way to Be a Man (1) – The Manly Training Show

One Way to Be a Man (1) – The Manly Training Show March 25, 2021

You can be the man that God created you to be! Do this today! Watch tis video now and be encouraged to be a godly man.


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A Word From Eduardo Quintana

A Call To Action – man

Listen, our families need us to learn how to do it God’s way. Our spouses need us o do it God’s way. Our world needs us to do it God’s way. Will you join me in this titanic endeavor?

Today I ask you to decide, will you do life your own way or will you do it His way? Will you be a Godly person or will you turn your back on God? Choose today what kind of person you will be, as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord and do it God’s way.

Will you join us?


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