A Post-Election Prayer

A Post-Election Prayer November 15, 2016

Creator God, in this unsettling transition, so dismaying to many of us who fear for the most vulnerable among us and for the fragile earth, we trust in your loving care.

You made us and will not abandon us.

You did not promise freedom from conflict or suffering, but promised to be with us.

You are with us now.


So we come in a difficult season of public life asking for guidance, clarity, courage, healing, widened perspective deepened faith, and peace that passes understanding.


Keep our hearts open,

inform our intentions,

direct our energies.

Embolden us to resist what does harm

Guide us toward what is good, toward right action and humble service.

And for each part of our life together we ask your particular help:


For the earth, our home, and all its ecosystems, we pray


Help us to understand what it means to live sustainably

To waste less and share more

To restore, where possible, what we have destroyed

To eat with gratitude what the earth provides


Help us to face climate change with courage and clarity of intention

To alter the behaviors that contribute to it

To care for those already suffering from drought, flooding, crop failure

To insist that proven truths be told in textbooks and public media


Help us recognize the interdependence that links us to all life forms

To protect threatened species

To protect rainforests, farmlands, wetlands, and wilderness matter

To receive food mindfully and reject what is not produced responsibly


For health care, healing, and hope for the sick, we pray


Help us learn how to heal without doing harm

To good food, clean water and fresh air accessible to all

To recognize health care as a human right

To hold accountable those who produce medicines and run hospitals, that concern for the common good not give way to greed


Help us, while we have health, to bring comfort to those who suffer

To accompany with kindness those on the last stretch of their journeys

To provide shelter for the homeless and assistance for those suffering from addiction

To listen and learn from those who live with chronic illness and disability


Help those who go beyond what is required  to extend care to the poor 

May their generosity be rewarded by joy in giving

May the institutions that support them thrive

May their healing work help heal the body politic and the body of Christ


For immigrants, documented and undocumented, we pray


That their families may remain together and safe

May our legal process be implemented with compassion and care

May we notice and care for those who live in fear of deportation

May their children be encircled by trustworthy, caring adults


That they may find hospitality within our borders 

May we seek to understand their situations with empathy and grace

May we see them first as brothers and sisters, children of God

May they not be lonely or fearful as they work to survive


That the hearts of those who treat them with disdain might change

May children be taught what it means to welcome the stranger

May those in power be driven by generosity rather than fear

May all in law enforcement who guard the borders remain humane


For those who stand to lose the most as threats of racism, gun violence, and abuse of women rise, we pray,

And for ourselves we pray, citizens of this country and members of the Body of Christ, as we try to fathom our responsibilities now.


Guide our conversations,

sharpen our wits,

help us to be wise as serpents

and harmless as doves

as we challenge all abuse of power.


We ask all this trusting in your sovereignty your promises, and your unending love.




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