Tosha Lamdin Williams is the founder and executive director of the Family Disciple Me ministry. Family Disciple Me is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit online ministry that is passionate about discipling the next generation in Jesus’ Name. We provide devotion and discipleship resources to encourage and equip families to do this along life’s way.
As we seek to meet with God and make Him known, the FDM discipleship model is simple, doable and memorable for Christ-followers and families of all ages and stages. FDM devotions, conversation guides and discipleship resources can be found online at, on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as on “The Family Disciple Me Podcast” available on your favorite podcast app. Family Disciple Me resources are free, easily accessible, mobile friendly and, most importantly, Bible based.
Discipleship starts with a conversation, and Family Disciple Me exists to encourage, challenge and inspire us to do this, first with God and then with those He has entrusted to us. Subscribe and become part of Family Disciple Me today, and together let’s “Meet with God and Make Him Known!”