Feeling Overwhelmed?

Feeling Overwhelmed? August 13, 2016

city-1487891_640 (2)Our minds are always dealing with thoughts causing panic and anxiety. We are overwhelmed with thoughts of darkness and death causing deep fear for our survival. Our thoughts and feelings rob us of any hope for living life. We wonder is there any way out of the palpable despair we feel in our soul. Yes, there is!

Stop and take a deep breath and realize the everlasting God of the universe is not surprised and unaware of your condition and has everything concerning your life under control.

The risen Christ commands us to cast all our cares and worries upon Him. The good news is God resides and inhabits our heart. Dwell on the fact His loving kindness is not somewhere out there but is present in you as the source of life!

Whom and what do I need to be afraid if Christ is my life? Cast all your overwhelming thoughts, anxiety, and fears upon him. Know that God created us in His image. Jesus declares the kingdom of God lives in us.  Everything you and I need lives inside us and I must refocus my attention and faith upon that fact. Let every overwhelming thought and feeling go. Release them over and over and replace them with the thoughts of God. Moses encountered God as the great “I AM’ in the desert.  God speaks, to Moses and proclaims “I am everything you need!”  God is everything you need! Believe that and act on that hope today and receive Christs overwhelming peace!

Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. Ps. 55:22

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