September 20, 2018

When we make the decision of contemplating Christ and make an attempt to live moment by moment in His presence we hope there is a spiritual benefit in our experience. We want to see positive results for our effort and want to have the affirmation that God is pleased with us. However, the act of contemplation and Mindful Christianity is not practicing meditation or prayer for spiritual gain, but for the awareness of no longer being separated from God. Contemplation... Read more

September 18, 2018

Mindful Christianity and how it relates to mindfulness meditation is the practice of mindfulness is at the heart of Buddhist meditation and centers on wakefulness. We go through life with our minds more often asleep than awake to the dazzling beauty of the world around us in any given moment. Instead of engaging fully in life, we coast mindlessly through life capturing a picture of a beautiful sunset and miss the experience of enjoying the sunset itself. Like a plane... Read more

September 16, 2018

What is Mindful Christianity? The word mindful has everything to do with waking up living in harmony with you, the world and with God. It has to do with examining who we are how we view our world and what is our place in it. It focuses on living each moment in the fullness of what we know as being alive. It appreciates the Buddhist tradition and the insight of being mindfully awakened to everything around us in the present... Read more

September 12, 2018

Practicing the presence of God is simple in theory, but never easy putting into practice. Being mindful of God’s presence requires effort, discipline, and hard work to sort through the mindless thoughts and endless chatter that fill our minds. Most of us can practice being aware of Christ’s presence for a few moments but to let our minds focus on Christ for hours on end in the ongoing activity of life is one thing few followers of Christ ever experience. Calming... Read more

September 8, 2018

Contemplative prayer focuses our minds on Christ and lifts our hearts and souls above our daily way of living life with its worries about self-preservation and survival. It frees us from the bondage of being consumed with what will happen to us and opens our heart to experience peace with God. It carries us above the need of trying to control and understand every detail of our lives. Contemplative prayer focuses our minds on Christ as the resurrected Lord reigning... Read more

September 4, 2018

The danger of religion is we can begin to judge everybody who’s not like us and believe we are the only ones who possess the truth. The deception of spiritual pride is it produces a false spirituality based on a puffed up perception of our ego and the high opinion of ourselves in comparison to other people. Spiritual pride can be subtle, when I grew up, there was a church on nearly every corner, and most of them believed they... Read more

September 1, 2018

The turnaround and transformation of my heart and mind to follow Christ is a moment by moment process of letting go and releasing my self-centered thoughts and exchanging them with God focused thoughts. As I become fully conscious and aware of the resurrected Christ living in me, I mindfully practice the surrender of my life over to the will of God. I am mindful the resurrected Christ is now the center and focus of my life. Christian mindfulness is a... Read more

August 29, 2018

When does the Kingdom of Heaven come to earth? It arrives at the moment we open our minds and hearts to receive it. Jesus taught the Kingdom is here and now present in our hearts. The Messiah challenged us to step out of our life experience and contemplate the fullness of the kingdom of Heaven on earth right now!  The kingdom of Heaven is not somewhere, and someplace waiting for us in the future, it is here now. (Being Aware... Read more

August 25, 2018

If I could wish you anything, my desire is you experience the divine reality the prophet Isaiah described as the heavenly dominion and throne room of God. I looked and reflected upon a remarkable scene, where I contemplated you, and I am made for God’s enjoyment and to dwell in union with God and with each other forever. (Divine Partakers) My hope is you may open your heart like me when I saw God high and lifted up and encounter the... Read more

August 21, 2018

Silence is the sanctuary for God’s presence residing in the depths and recesses of our heart.  In the solitude and quiet, we seek and discover the love of Christ dwelling with us. In the silence, we become still to hear God speaking life to us. Be still and know I am God. It’s a sacred space that the doubting and questioning thoughts which overrun our minds slow their pace so we can contemplate life, not from a physical but spiritual... Read more

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