July 14, 2010

Executive Director of PunkTorah, Patrick Aleph gives his broad opinions on the Future of Judaism. Read more

July 12, 2010

As one of the female advocates for equality in Israel is thrown in jail for carrying a Torah, I have to wonder... is this really the future of Judaism for women? Read more

July 9, 2010

I was struck (no, not literally) by an image I recently came across on Flickr. It was of Palestinian men collecting rocks... well these were rocks on steroids, huge chunks of concrete, to hurl at Israeli soldiers and settlers who might wander down their streets. It occurred to me when I saw this picture that we use rocks for very different purposes. Read more

June 30, 2010

Your granddaughter has been nagging me to write about what you taught me, how you directed my growth as a Jew. It has been hard for me to put this into words. But this morning when I could not sleep it came to me. To say that Judaism was a vehicle for social action is too easy. For to you, social action was a vehicle for Jewing. Read more

June 25, 2010

When will we stop faking apologies for the messes in our hectic homes? Read more

June 21, 2010

Our newest blogger, Mimi Hecht, gets trapped at the vintage consignment shop when she is asked the philosophical question - People, Animals, or Land. Read more

June 20, 2010

While I wrote a nice sentimental tribute for my mom for mother’s day (here if you missed it) – that just wouldn’t be right for my dad, our father-daughter dance was to “Beep-Beep” after all (pictured).  My dad’s lessons are very practical, though they still have a Jewish component. Always stop to pee We took a lot of road trips when  I was a kid, my dad is a big fan of traveling by car and seeing nature pass outside... Read more

June 18, 2010

One thing that I can never thank my parent's enough for was the way the kept my brother and I engaged in Judaism. I never recall being forced to be Jewish, rather they showed us the beauty of our faith in every sector (from Orthodox to Renewal) and educated us in other faiths (I have been to dozens of churches and mosques). During the Passover seder, when the Four Children ask their questions, I was always struck with the answer, "It was because of what G-d did for me in the land of Egypt." That was how my parents approached Judaism. This is what is important to ME, how does it feel to YOU. Read more

June 18, 2010

In honor of Father's Day, guest blogger - Ezra Shanken talks about how his father taught him about Tikkun Olam and giving back. Read more

June 17, 2010

In honor of Father's Day, guest blogger - Hadassah Sabo Milner talks about the father she lost a long time ago. Read more

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