Khaled – Husband. George Clooney + Paul Newman + Matt Damon + Bobby Flay (with a soupçon of Omar Sharif)= My Husband. He gets me and all that that encompasses and he encourages me to be my true self.
Mr. Fox – Son. Because he is fantastic!
Pea – Daughter. Beneath all of the mattresses, she would feel it there. Brilliant and delicate at once.
Kate – Daughter. She reminds me of Hepburn. Strong, independent, and far more wise than she should be at this age.
JJ – New Friend, now old friend.
Magda – Magda Pecsenye from AskMoxie. Life long friend, confidant, my go to person.
Claudia – She’s my people. If you watch Grey’s Anatomy you will get this. I am Christina and she is Meredith.
Big Sis – Cousin from Khaled’s side of the family. She just fits in with my people, and has become the big sister they never knew they needed.
Ronin – My cat. My fur baby.