My Birthday Wish

My Birthday Wish April 21, 2013


Tomorrow is my 44th birthday. As per usual, I will exploit this to try and benefit my congregation. We need to raise $7,000 in order to again be an internship site this Fall. We are committed to training church planters to go and create sacramental communities similar to HFASS in other locations across the country, but, as a church that is majority young adults, our congregation has FAR less money than traditional Lutheran internship sites.

We need help

So, if you are someone who has been inspired by what God is doing at House for All Sinners and Saints, if it has given you hope, or if you have been enriched by listening to our sermons on-line…I shamelessly ask that you help us continue to be a teaching parish. Here’s a link to our first baby sister church, started by last year’s intern Matthew Nickoloff

Pastor Matthew Nickoloff, HFASS intern 2011-2012 at the new church plant, South Wedge Mission in Rochester, NY. I still mentor Matthew as a new church planter.

As a birthday gift to me or as an act of freedom, or as an act of subversion, please consider a generous one-time or monthly contribution.

Thank you. Extra points in heaven for you. (ok. not really)

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